Search Results for: citizen science

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1,698 results
  1. Physics

    How to restore the legendary acoustics of Notre Dame

    Using heritage acoustics, researchers hope to help restore the sound of Paris's Notre Dame cathedral.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Positive attitudes about aging may pay off in better health

    Research into the mind-body connection shows that attitude is everything when it comes to healthy aging.

  3. Artificial Intelligence

    Artificial intelligence is mastering a wider variety of jobs than ever before

    In 2018, AI bested humans at following fauna, diagnosing disease, mapping the moon and more.

  4. Cosmology

    Voyager 2 spacecraft enters interstellar space

    Voyager 2 just became the second probe ever to enter interstellar space, and the first with a working plasma instrument.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Your most pressing questions about the new coronavirus, answered

    As the new coronavirus outbreak unfolds, we are updating this FAQ with the latest on the race to understand the virus and stop the growing global health crisis. Our most recent update was posted February 18.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Around the world, reported measles cases jumped 31 percent in 2017

    While the number of reported measles cases has dropped 80 percent from 2000 to 2017, high profile outbreaks pushed the 2017 total up from 2016.

  7. Physics

    STEVE the aurora makes its debut in mauve

    A newly discovered type of aurora is a visible version of usually invisible charged particles drifting in the upper atmosphere.

  8. Neuroscience

    Splitting families may end, but migrant kids’ trauma needs to be studied

    The long-term effects of separating children from their parents at the U.S. border need to be studied, scientists say.

  9. Psychology

    Shahzeen Attari explores the psychology of saving the planet

    Merging psychology with engineering, Shahzeen Attari probes how people think about conservation, energy use and climate change.

  10. Animals

    Humans wiped out mosquitoes (in one small lab test)

    An early lab test of exterminating a much-hated mosquito raises hopes, but is it really such a great idea?

  11. Health & Medicine

    Air pollution is shaving a year off our average life expectancy

    The first country-by-country look at how dirty air affects when we die shows it can have more impact on mortality than breast or lung cancer.

  12. Animals

    Got an environmental problem? Beavers could be the solution

    A new book shows how important beavers have been in the past — and how they could improve the landscape of the future.
