Search Results for: Tiger

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562 results
  1. Anthropology

    Little Red Riding Hood gets an evolutionary makeover

    A statistical analysis attempts to track the rise of several widespread folktales.

  2. Psychology

    Stereotypes might make ‘female’ hurricanes deadlier

    Precautions may get shelved by those in the path of severe storms with feminine names, leading some to suggest that storms should be named after animals.

  3. Neuroscience


    Readers weigh in on marijuana legalization, twisted twists, high-kicking frogs and more.

  4. Life

    Some animals eat their moms, and other cannibalism facts

    A new book surveys those who eat their own kind, revealing some surprises about who’s eating whom.

  5. Climate

    Sharks could serve as ocean watchdogs

    Tagged with sensors, toothy fish gather weather and climate data in remote Pacific waters.

  6. Animals

    Tibet may be ancient home of big cats

    A recently discovered fossil skull and teeth suggest that the ancestor of all big cats lived in what's now Tibet.

  7. Animals

    Hawkmoths squeak their genitals at threatening bats

    Sounds of an approaching predator inspire ultrasonic rasping in insect prey.

  8. Animals

    Truths and lies about dingoes

    A dingo really did take that woman’s baby, but other myths about the animals have been debunked.

  9. Science & Society

    The gene patenting decision from a plaintiff’s point of view

    Plaintiffs in Myriad case win an overwhelming victory, but some details remain a bit fuzzy.

  10. Psychology

    Familiar faces

    "Super recognizers" never forget a visage, an unusual ability that can be put to good use.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Attention tunes the mind’s ear

    Brain activity shows how one voice pattern stands out from the crowd.

  12. Chemistry

    Human blood types have deep evolutionary roots

    The ABO system may date back 20 million years or more, a genetic analysis suggests.
