Search Results for: Sharks

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773 results
  1. Animals

    Venomous fish have evolved many ways to inflict pain

    Fish venom shows great diversity and is being studied to treat pain, cancer and other diseases.

  2. Paleontology

    True nature of ‘Tully monster’ revealed

    The identity of a 300-million-year-old enigmatic creature known as the “Tully monster” is a mystery no longer.

  3. Oceans

    Magnetism from underwater power cables doesn’t deter sea life

    High-voltage power cables that ferry electricity across the seafloor do not negatively impact local fish and crabs, new studies show.

  4. Paleontology

    Dimetrodon’s diet redetermined

    The reptilelike Dimetrodon dined mainly on amphibians and sharks, not big herbivores as scientists once believed.

  5. Life

    ‘Racing Extinction’ documents plight of endangered species

    The new documentary "Racing Extinction" offers hope that people can halt the sixth mass extinction.

  6. Animals

    Paternity test reveals father’s role in mystery shark birth

    A shark pup was born in a tank with three female sharks but no males. A genetic study finds that the shark must have stored sperm for nearly four years.

  7. Paleontology

    12 amazing fossil finds of 2015

    From an ancient sponge ancestor to the Carolina Butcher, scientists learned a lot about life on Earth this year.

  8. Life

    Fossilized fish skull shakes up the evolutionary history of jaws

    Analysis of a 415-million-year-old fossilized fish skull suggest that the earliest jawed vertebrates probably looked a lot like modern bony fish.

  9. Math

    Sharks’ hunting paths may not be driven by math

    Penguins, tuna, sharks and other marine hunters have been shown to use math to find food. But simulations suggest the behavior is a result of rough water, not complex calculation.

  10. Animals

    Ivory listings found on Craigslist as elephant poaching continues

    Elephants are hunted by the thousands to meet demand for ivory products.

  11. Animals

    What happens to animals in a hurricane?

    Hurricanes can be devastating to animals on land and in the sea, but they can also provide opportunities.

  12. Oceans

    Fish escapes from marine farms raise concerns about wildlife

    Farmed salmon, sea bass and other fish frequently escape from sea cages into the ocean. Will these runaways harm native wildlife?
