Search Results for: Ray Fish

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1,154 results
  1. Humans

    Letters from the November 11, 2006, issue of Science News

    The Carolinas to New Jersey “Bad-News Beauties: Poison-spined fish from Asia have invaded U.S. waters” (SN: 9/9/06, p. 168) cites evidence of a severe genetic bottleneck, suggesting that perhaps no more than three pregnant females launched the expanding western Atlantic red lionfish population. How can there be “pregnant females” in an animal with the external […]

  2. Humans

    Science News of the Year 2007

    A review of important scientific achievements reported in Science News during the past year.

  3. Earth

    Traces of Trouble

    Scientists and engineers are investigating how to stem the flow of naturally-occurring and synthetic estrogens that, when released from waste water treatment plants and livestock operations, can harm aquatic life.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Light Therapy for Tainted Fish

    Shining ultraviolet light on the meal fed to farmed fish could destroy dioxins and limit the amount of those toxic chemicals that people get in the fish they eat.

  5. Humans

    Science News of the Year 2006

    A review of important scientific achievements reported in Science News during the year 2006.

  6. Ecosystems

    Empty Nets

    New research has begun challenging long-held assumptions about the consequences for fish stocks of harvesting the biggest fish first.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Seeing Red and Finding Fraudulent Fish

    The sale of falsely labeled fish has implications for health, nutrition, and the environment.

  8. Health & Medicine

    A Fishy Therapy

    Shark cartilage continues to be sold to fight cancer, even though its efficacy has not been confirmed by any major U.S. trials.

  9. Humans

    Science News of the Year 2005

    A review of important scientific achievements reported in Science News during the year 2005.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Omega-3’s May Hit Food Labels

    The Food and Drug Administration has announced that it will allow manufacturers to make certain health claims about omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish and other foods.

  11. Proteins in the Stretch

    Scientists are for the first time getting a feel for how proteins fold and unfold.

  12. Humans

    Genes on Display

    DNA becomes part of the artist's palette.
