Search Results for: Primates

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1,416 results
  1. Animals

    Macaques take turns while chattering

    Japanese monkeys take turns while communicating. Adjusting response times while chattering, macaques intentionally pause like humans do when chatting.

  2. Humans

    Artists who paint with their feet have ‘toe maps’ in their brains

    Brain specialization comes with toe specialization in people who use their feet for painting, eating and writing.

  3. Animals

    A tooth fossil shows Gigantopithecus’ close ties to modern orangutans

    Proteins from the past help clarify how an ancient Asian ape that was larger than a full-grown, modern male gorilla evolved.

  4. Life

    Cats may have ‘attachment styles’ that mirror people’s

    In a new study, 65 percent of felines formed secure attachments with their owners. Like people, other cats were ambivalent or avoidant.

  5. Humans

    Ancient DNA reveals the first glimpse of what a Denisovan may have looked like

    A controversial technique reconstructs a teenage Denisovan’s physical appearance from genetics.

  6. Anthropology

    A fossil mistaken for a bat may shake up lemurs’ evolutionary history

    On Madagascar, a type of lemur called aye-ayes may have a singular evolutionary history.

  7. Archaeology

    Capuchin monkeys’ stone-tool use has evolved over 3,000 years

    A Brazilian archaeological site reveals capuchins’ long history of practical alterations to pounding implements, researchers say.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Repurposed drugs may help scientists fight the new coronavirus

    Work on similar viruses is giving researchers clues on how to begin developing drugs against the new disease.

  9. Health & Medicine

    How allergens in pollen help plants do more than make you sneeze

    A plant’s view of what humans call allergens in pollen grains involves a lot of crucial biology. And sex.

  10. Anthropology

    Humans don’t get enough sleep. Just ask other primates.

    Short, REM-heavy sleep bouts separate humans from other primates, scientists find. Sleeping on the ground may have a lot to do with it.

  11. Genetics

    Baby macaques are the first primates to be cloned like Dolly the Sheep

    Scientists have cloned two baby macaque monkeys with the same technique used to clone Dolly. The research could help advance the cloning of other species.

  12. Animals

    Pregnant bonobos get a little delivery help from their friends

    As in humans, female bonobos become helpers for mothers giving birth, data from captive apes suggest.
