Search Results for: Polar Bears

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581 results
  1. Climate

    Polar Bear Fallout

    Why fights are likely to break out in the next few months to years between industry, environmental advocates, and the feds as regulations are developed, and litigated, over how to conserve declining numbers of polar bears.

  2. Animals

    Polar bears listed

    Polar bear declared "threatened," but Secretary limits decision's impact.

  3. Humans

    Science & Society: News of the year, 2008

    Science News writers and editors looked back at the past year's stories and selected a handful as the year's most interesting and important in the interface of Science & Society. Follow hotlinks to the full, original stories.

  4. Earth

    Arctic images declassified

    High-res Arctic sea images should be declassified, says National Research Council.

  5. Humans

    Bear deadline

    Court calls for the already overdue decision on listing polar bears as a threatened species.

  6. Fat chance

    Scientists are working out ways to rev up the body’s gut-busting machinery.

  7. Climate

    U.N effectively locks out reporters, others in Copenhagen

    For a year, the United Nations and national leaders have stumped around the world, championing the importance of the Copenhagen climate negotiations. It made this international conclave a must-see destination. And the UN responded by granting accreditation to huge numbers of government officials, UN officials, public-interest groups and journalists. In fact, to almost twice as many individuals as the conference center could hold. And that led to pandemonium today as the UN confronted literally thousands of people waiting to pick up their security badges – people this organization couldn’t or wouldn’t accommodate.

  8. Earth

    Climate fix could deplete polar ozone

    Scientists seeking to cool Earth’s climate by injecting sulfuric acid droplets high in the atmosphere might trim rising temperatures but could also destroy much of the ozone in polar regions, a new study suggests.

  9. Earth

    One Rockin’ Library

    This dusty library saves the geo-curious a trip to Antarctica.

  10. Animals

    Den Mothers: Bears shift dens as ice deteriorates

    As Arctic ice has dwindled, pregnant polar bears in northern Alaska have become more likely to dig their birthing dens on land or nearshore ice than on floating masses of sea ice.

  11. Earth

    Hey, What about Us?

    The plight of polar bears may get most of the attention as climate change disrupts the Arctic ice, but plenty of other species, from walrus and seals to one-celled specks, are also going to see their world change radically.

  12. Earth

    A Feverish World

    What's behind global warming—and is there anything we can do?
