Search Results for: Crows

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521 results
  1. Earth

    Darwinopterus points to chunky evolution

    A newly discovered pterosaur had the legs of its ancestors and the head of its descendants.

  2. Life

    2009 Science News of the Year: Life

    Breeding records for sheep on Hirta offer an unusual opportunity to study inheritance. Image Credit: Arpat Ozgul Gentler winters shrink sheepWarming has trumped the benefits of fat to shrink sheep on the remote North Atlantic island of Hirta, a new analytical approach has revealed (SN: 8/1/09, p. 12). Weights for wild female Soay sheep dropped […]

  3. The iron record of Earth’s oxygen

    Scientists are decoding the geological secrets of banded iron formations.

  4. Aping the Stone Age

    Chimp chasers join artifact extractors to probe the roots of stone tools.

  5. Humans

    DOE wants to become more like Bell Labs

    Steven Chus prizes DOE's research prowess, but not it's ability to marshall its discoveries into marketable innovations.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Immune cells show long-term memory

    Survivors of the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic still make antibodies against the virus, revealing a long-lived immunity previously thought impossible.

  7. Animals

    Crowcam: Camera on bird’s tail captures bird ingenuity

    Video cameras attached to tropical crows record the birds' use of plant stems as tools to dig out food.

  8. Chemistry

    Kavli Awardees Named

    Norwegian Academy awards three novel and hefty prizes to three teams of scientists.

  9. Archaeology

    Really Cool History

    Tales of the black band: Clues to a 4,200-year-old mystery lie frozen in icy records stored atop Mt. Kilimanjaro.

  10. Space

    School teacher spots green blob

    Mystery object appears to be a starless dwarf galaxy.

  11. Animals

    Brains for a change

    Outsized brains may have sped up evolution of body size in birds.

  12. Animals

    I, Magpie

    Some magpies recognize themselves in mirrors, indicating that a basic form of self-recognition evolved in one family of birds.
