Search Results for: Artificial Intelligence

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795 results
  1. Artificial Intelligence

    Why a data scientist warns against always trusting AI’s scientific discoveries

    Artificial intelligence that helps make scientific discoveries needs to get better at admitting its uncertainty, Genevera Allen says.

  2. Space

    New fleets of private satellites are clogging the night sky

    As private companies launch dozens of satellites at a time, researchers are assessing the impact on ground-based telescopes.

  3. Archaeology

    Our fascination with robots goes all the way back to antiquity

    In the book ‘Gods and Robots,’ a scholar recounts how early civilizations explored artificial life through myths.

  4. Artificial Intelligence

    ‘Machines That Think’ predicts the future of artificial intelligence

    In a new book, an artificial intelligence expert explores AI’s past, present and future.

  5. Tech

    These robots can follow how-to diagrams

    Robots capable of reading diagrams could work in more varied environments and be easier to communicate with.

  6. Quantum Physics

    To live up to the hype, quantum computers must repair their error problems

    Before quantum computers can reach their potential, scientists will need to master quantum error correction.

  7. Artificial Intelligence

    Anshumali Shrivastava uses AI to wrangle torrents of data

    Computer scientist Anshumali Shrivastava is designing programs that can handle torrents of information quickly and efficiently.

  8. Climate

    What data do cities like Orlando need to prepare for climate migrants?

    As researchers wrestle with how to anticipate future population shifts due to climate change, possible “destination cities,” like Orlando, Fla., prepare for an influx.

  9. Humans

    Here’s what makes satire so funny, according to science

    Analysis of headlines from the satirical newspaper The Onion could help you — or a computer — write humorous news headlines.

  10. Earth

    A new algorithm could help protect planes from damaging volcanic ash

    A computer program that tracks the temperature and height of clouds in the atmosphere could keep planes away from volcanic ash.

  11. Astronomy

    We may not have found aliens yet because we’ve barely begun looking

    A new calculation says SETI searches have combed the equivalent of a hot tub out of Earth’s oceans looking for extraterrestrial intelligence in space.

  12. Artificial Intelligence

    A new AI can focus on one voice in a crowd

    The artificial intelligence can ignore background noise in videos and focus on what a particular person is saying.
