Search Results for: Fish

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8,095 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    Dolphins may offer clues to treating diabetes

    Insulin-resistance switch helps maintain glucose levels in dolphin brains, suggesting possible clues to treating diabetes in people.

  2. Earth

    Moby Dick meets Jaws

    A recently discovered fossil demonstrates that giant whales weren’t always as gentle as they are today.

  3. Life

    For pipefish, measly Mr. Mom needs help

    In species with pregnant males, females may put something extra into eggs.

  4. Life

    Mosquito fish count comrades to stay alive

    New experiments indicate that mosquito fish can count small numbers of companions swimming in different groups, an ability that apparently evolved to assist these fish in avoiding predators.

  5. Life

    One ocean, four (or more) killer whale species

    Killer whales may be at least four species, a new study of mitochondrial DNA shows.

  6. Humans

    2012 budget offers pain and gain for R&D

    In a year of federal belt-tightening, the administration prioritizes basic research, education, clean energy and environmental science.

  7. Life

    Animal sperm arose once

    A gene governing production of male reproductive cells goes back to a common ancestor that lived about 600 million years ago, a study finds.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Vitamin B6 linked to lowered lung cancer risk

    High levels of folate and the amino acid methionine also seem to help, a new study finds.

  9. Life

    Orangutans can mime their desires

    Animals’ ability to act out what they want suggests an understanding of others’ perspectives, researchers say.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Few Americans eat right

    The Institute of Medicine periodically issues recommendations on what people should eat to be healthy and maintain a reasonable weight. Americans have largely ignored this well-intentioned advice, a new study shows. It reports that “nearly the entire U.S. population consumes a diet that is not on par with recommendations.”

  11. Botanical Whales

    Adventures in the Tortugas reveal that seagrass fields need saving too.

  12. Making Nuanced Memories

    New nerve cells help the brain tell similar experiences apart.
