Search Results for: Fish

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8,095 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    Inside Job

    Teams of microbes pull strings in the human body.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Benefits of omega-3 fatty acids tally up

    A study of patients with sepsis and a second in people with heart disease suggest the fish oil compound may aid health.

  3. Paleontology

    Fish death, mammal extinction and tiny dino footprints

    Paleontologists in Bristol, England, at the annual meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology report on fish fossils in Wyoming, the loss of Australia’s megafauna and the smallest dinosaur tracks.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Healthy Aging in a Pill

    To extend life span, scientists envision a drug that mimics the benefits of a near-starvation diet.

  5. Humans

    Wildlife trade meeting disappoints marine scientists

    The 15th meeting of signatories to the CITES treaty ended on March 25 without passing several proposals to protect high-profile fish species.

  6. Earth

    Clean out your medicine cabinet: Today!

    For years, people have been chastised for pitching unused drugs into the trash, turning them into potentially toxic pollutants that can leach into the environment. On Saturday, September 25, the Drug Enforcement Administration is offering to take those drugs off our hands. For free. No questions asked.

  7. Ecosystems

    Climate’s link to plague

    Scientists have correlated changes in long-term Pacific Ocean temperature patterns with the incidence of a deadly bacterial pestilence, one spread by fleas living on and around mice and other rodents.

  8. Life

    Removing a barrier to regrowing organs

    Depleting proteins that prevent cancer allowed heart cells to regenerate in mouse experiments.

  9. Paleontology

    Ancient fish with killer bite

    Dunkleosteus clamped down on prey with three-quarters-of-a-ton bite force.

  10. Environment

    Gases dominate Gulf’s subsea plumes

    Shipboard experiments in June show that natural gas dominates the Gulf oil plumes and that its components are the favorite choice of microbes.

  11. Ecosystems

    Sperm whales may team up to herd prey

    Data recorders yield first hints of coordinated feeding behavior.

  12. Life

    Evolutionary genetic relationships coming into focus

    Researchers have filled in about 40 percent of the tree of life for mammals and birds, but other vertebrates lag behind.
