Search Results for: Bears

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6,745 results
  1. Tech

    Reinventing the Yo-Yo

    No longer simple toys, today's pricey yo-yos sport high-tech features—such as ball bearing transaxles and precision string-snagging mechanisms—that permit dazzling new styles and complex tricks.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Gene ups oral-cancer risk for drinkers who smoke

    People who have a particular variant of a single gene are at a disproportionate risk of oral cancer if they both smoke and drink.

  3. Math

    Squaring Circles

    Cutting a circle into pieces and reassembling the fragments to form a square is a tricky proposition.

  4. Earth

    Dangerous Dust? Chemicals in plastics are tied to allergies

    Elevated risks for developing multiple allergies, including asthma, eczema, and rhinitis, appear to be associated with household exposure to synthetic chemicals called phthalates.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Joint Effort: Bacteria in yogurt combat arthritis in rats

    Yogurt containing certain types of live bacteria may help prevent or treat arthritis.

  6. Earth

    Quick Bite: Some gorges carved surprisingly fast

    Analyses of rock samples from two river gorges along the Atlantic seaboard suggest that the largest parts of those chasms were carved during a geologically short period at the height of the last ice age.

  7. Gutless Wonder: New symbiosis lets worm feed on whale bones

    A newly discovered genus of marine worm can take nourishment from sunken whale skeletons, thanks to a previously unknown form of symbiosis.

  8. Math

    Visions of Infinity

    Tiling a hyperbolic floor inspires both mathematics and art.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Against the Migraine

    Migraines may be among the problems that stem from a common but rarely diagnosed heart defect, and researchers have discovered that repairing the defect cures some of the headaches.

  10. Humans

    From the August 11, 1934, issue

    Ruins of magnificent Assyrian palace uncovered, termites need fungus to thrive, and Homo sapiens thought to be 10 million years old.

  11. Paleontology

    Growth Spurt: Teenage tyrannosaurs packed on the pounds

    Detailed analyses of tyrannosaur fossils suggest that the creatures experienced an extended growth spurt during adolescence.

  12. Psst. This fly’s ears can rival a cat’s

    The unusual eardrums of a tiny parasitic fly turn out to rival cats', owls', and people's abilities to pinpoint the origin of a sound.
