Search Results for: Geology

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7,733 results
  1. Humans

    From the August 11, 1934, issue

    Ruins of magnificent Assyrian palace uncovered, termites need fungus to thrive, and Homo sapiens thought to be 10 million years old.

  2. Materials Science

    Nanotubes take on the Grand Canyon

    A new technique can turn forests of carbon nanotubes into a foamlike material with ideal properties for making lightweight shock absorbers.

  3. Earth

    When Mountains Fizz

    Scientists are finding that the driving force behind a volcanic explosion is the same thing that propels spewing soda pop: bubbles.

  4. Earth

    Blueberry Hills: Utah nodules resemble some found on Mars

    Analyses of small iron oxide nodules found within certain sandstones of the U.S. Southwest could shed light on how similar spherules may have formed on Mars.

  5. Earth

    A Portrait of Pollution: Nation’s fresh water gets a checkup

    Virtually all of America's fresh water is tainted with low concentrations of chemical contaminants, according to a new nationwide study.

  6. Planetary Science

    Titanic Images, Groovy Shots: Cassini arrives at Saturn

    After a 7-year, 3.5-billion-mile journey, the Cassini spacecraft last week slipped through a gap between two of the icy rings circling Saturn and became the first spacecraft to orbit the distant planet.

  7. Earth

    Paved Paradise?

    The precipitation-fed runoff that spills from impervious surfaces such as buildings, roads, and parking lots in developed areas increases erosion in streams, wreaks ecological havoc there, and contributes to urban heat islands.

  8. Physics

    Holey Water: Punctured fluid stays riddled

    Extreme vibrations and high concentrations of tiny particles, such as cornstarch, in water can create holes in the liquid.

  9. Paleontology

    Crawling through Time: Fish bones reveal past climate change

    The timing of ancient migrations of snakehead fish from the Indian subcontinent into Europe, Asia, and Africa tells scientists about temperature and humidity changes in those locations.

  10. Earth

    Air held oxygen early on

    Chemical analyses of South African sediments suggest that oxygen was present in small quantities about 2.32 billion years ago, which is at least 100 million years earlier than previously thought.

  11. Planetary Science

    A Titan of a Mission

    On Jan. 14, a space probe will plunge through the thick atmosphere of Saturn's moon Titan, looking for insights into the origins of life on Earth.

  12. Materials Science

    Crystal puts pressure on diamonds

    A new type of synthetic crystal called moissanite allows researchers to study more material at high pressure than is possible with traditional diamond devices.
