Search Results for: Insects

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6,697 results
  1. Ecosystems

    Beetle attack overturns forest carbon regime

    Ravaged Canadian region switches from carbon sink to net carbon source.

  2. Animals

    Bat syndrome’s telltale white nose-mold new to science

    Newly cultured fungus named as a suspect in deadly white-nose syndrome

  3. Life

    Fifty-two things to do with a bat wing

    Bats swim, run, flirt and do lots of other nonflight jobs with their wings -- a fact that may have influenced evolution of the wing's architecture.

  4. Animals

    Moths’ memories

    Sphinx moths appear to remember experiences they had as caterpillars, suggesting some brain cells remain intact through metamorphosis.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Tame-walk potion

    A one-two sting and a cockroach lets a wasp lead it like a dog on a leash.

  6. Animals

    Dolphins wield tools of the sea

    A long-term study of dolphins living off Australia’s coast finds that a small number of them, mostly females, frequently use sea sponges to forage for fish on the ocean floor.

  7. Life

    Bat that roared

    Although the human ear can't detect it, bats make astonishingly loud noises while hunting.

  8. Agriculture

    Silencing Pests: Altered plants make RNA that keeps insects at bay

    Engineered plants make genetic material that disables critical genes in insects that eat the plants, offering a possible new strategy for agricultural-pest control.

  9. Humans

    From the March 26, 1938, issue

    Ambitious plans for two World Fairs, helium replaces hydrogen as flying gas, and slowing down a fabled insect speedster.

  10. Life

    Morse Toad: When amphibians tap their toes

    Toe wiggling creates motions, vibrations that get potential prey moving.

  11. Life

    Pollinator manipulators

    Manipulating floral chemistry of a type of wild tobacco reveals push-and-pull strategy.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Honeybee CSI: Why dead bodies can’t be found

    Virus could explain one symptom of colony collapse.
