Search Results for: Geology

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7,733 results
  1. Paleontology

    Subway dig in L.A. yields fossil trove

    Fossil finds made when a subway line was extended from Los Angeles into the San Fernando Valley include bones of mastodons, ground sloths, extinct bison and camels, and 39 new species of fish.

  2. Earth

    Lead’s a moving target at rifle ranges

    The lead used in bullets and shotgun pellets can be a threat to the environment near rifle ranges but many of its hazards are manageable.

  3. Planetary Science

    Martian ice could be sculpting surface patterns

    Images taken by the Mars Global Surveyor suggest that most areas with geological features known as patterned ground appear at high latitudes.

  4. Planetary Science

    A World Unveiled: Crème brûlée on Titan

    Penetrating the orange haze of a frigid, alien world, a space probe parachuted onto Saturn's moon Titan and unexpectedly came face-to-face with terrain that looks a lot like Earth.

  5. Earth

    Quick Bite: Some gorges carved surprisingly fast

    Analyses of rock samples from two river gorges along the Atlantic seaboard suggest that the largest parts of those chasms were carved during a geologically short period at the height of the last ice age.

  6. Earth

    Long dry spell

    Falling reservoir levels in the western United States are just one symptom that the region is suffering through a drought that may be the worst to strike in the past 500 years.

  7. Earth

    Fighting Water with Water: To lift the city, pump the sea beneath Venice

    With technology commonly used in oil fields, engineers could inject large volumes of seawater into sandy strata deep beneath Venice, Italy, to reverse the ground subsidence that plagues the city.

  8. Planetary Science

    Roving on the Red Planet

    Scientists review the discoveries made by the Mars rovers after nearly 18 months on the Red Planet.

  9. Earth

    Wafting pesticides taint far-flung frogs

    Agricultural pesticides blowing into California's wilderness areas have played a role in mysterious declines in frog populations.

  10. Planetary Science

    Titanic Close-up: Cassini eyes Saturn’s big moon

    Using radar to penetrate the thick haze surrounding Saturn's moon Titan, the Cassini spacecraft has found evidence that the moon's surface is coated with hydrocarbons and dark patches that might be lakes of ethane or methane.

  11. Earth

    Geyser Bashing: Distant quake alters timing of eruptions

    A powerful earthquake that struck central Alaska on Nov. 3, 2002, changed the eruption schedule of some geysers in Wyoming's Yellowstone National Park, more than 3,100 kilometers away.

  12. Paleontology

    Fossil Fingerprints: Rare earths tie bones to burial ground

    The soil in which fossilization occurs leaves a chemical imprint on the bones, suggesting that scientists can use this soil signature to identify more precisely a fossil's original home.
