Search Results for: Fish

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8,095 results
  1. Earth

    Shuttle images reveal Egypt’s lost great lake

    Radar studies of desert drainage patterns point to ancient oases in the Sahara.

  2. Humans

    Smelling a rat in a bag of chips

    A forensic scientist shares tales from a very special victims unit.

  3. Animals

    Mirror, mirror on the wall, you’re the scariest fish of all

    That thing in the mirror may be more upsetting than a real fish.

  4. Humans

    Rising seas made China’s ancient mariners

    Ancient environmental changes produced a maritime culture that colonized Taiwan 5,000 years ago, archaeologists contend.

  5. Book Review: Written in Stone: Evolution, the Fossil Record, and Our Place in Nature by Brian Switek

    Review by Sid Perkins.

  6. Humans


    A child’s remains reveal early North American life, plus ancient canines and convincing metaphors in this week’s news.

  7. Genes & Cells

    Cellular suicide inspires new ways to kill harmful bacteria, plus test-tube sperm and insulin alternatives in this week’s news.

  8. Humans

    Missing Lincs

    Lesser-known genetic material helps explain why humans are human.

  9. Life

    Antarctic humpbacks make a krill killing

    Late-arriving sea ice enhances crustacean feast for whales, but the bounty may be fleeting.

  10. Black Holes in the Bathtub

    Scientists observe Hawking radiation in unexpected materials.

  11. Humans

    Pre-chewed baby food common in HIV-positive households, study suggests

    Here’s a particularly disturbing stat: 31 percent of babies in households where the mom is HIV-positive get at least some pre-chewed food. In most cases the surveyed caregivers who reported doing that pre-chewing were the infected moms.

  12. Science & Society


    The sophisticated lives of early North Americans, plus third arms and drunken memories in this week's news.
