Search Results for: Geology

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7,733 results
  1. Animals

    Out of the Jungle: New lemurs found in Madagascar’s forests

    Two new species of lemur have been discovered in Madagascar, the only home of these tiny and endangered primates.

  2. Earth

    Bacteria Ride the Tide: Moon’s phases predict water quality at beaches

    At many ocean beaches, full and new moons coincide with the greatest concentrations of bacteria in the water.

  3. Humans

    Evolution in Action

    Debates on the conflict between evolution and intelligent design are taking place not only in the courts but also in state legislatures and even among members of local school boards, where topics include curricula, textbooks, and the definition of science itself.

  4. Earth

    Volume of glaciers and ice caps is estimated

    New topographic data have enabled scientists to estimate the volume of water trapped in the ice caps and glaciers outside of Antarctica and Greenland and to predict how high the sea level would rise if this ice melted.

  5. Ecosystems

    Caviar Caveats

    Caviar may become harder to find as a new trade ban goes into effect that's aimed at giving the most prized sturgeon a much-needed break from overfishing for their roe.

  6. 19510

    In this article you failed to mention a possibly important factor for the introduction of agriculture into Europe, namely, the creation of the Black Sea from a large freshwater lake at the end of the last ice age. Could this not have forced the early farmers westward after they had lost so much of their […]

  7. Paleontology

    First Steps

    Using materials as diverse as lobster eggs, dead birds, and the headless carcass of a rhinoceros, scientists are conducting experiments that scrutinize the first steps of the fossilization process.

  8. Earth

    Mind the Gap: Inadequate monitoring at many U.S. volcanoes

    A report just released by the U.S. Geological Survey ranks the threats posed by the nation's volcanoes.

  9. Ecosystems

    Saving Sturgeon

    Sturgeon species around the world are in trouble, which is why humans will increasingly be stepping in to give them a big assist.

  10. Earth

    Ancient Heights: Leaf fossils track elevation changes

    A new technique using altitude-dependent differences in fossil leaves may make it possible to chronicle the rise and fall of mountain ranges over millions of years.

  11. Earth

    Baking dirt to predict erosion after a fire

    Lab tests suggest that a wide variety of soils exposed to the heat of intense wildfires end up with a similar resistance to erosion, a finding that may help scientists model that process more accurately.

  12. Humans

    Archival Science

    Photos from the Science Service archive at the Smithsonian offer fresh views of the Scopes evolution trial.
