Search Results for: Ray Fish

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1,154 results
  1. Making Nuanced Memories

    New nerve cells help the brain tell similar experiences apart.

  2. Life

    Hormones give lantern sharks the glow

    In a first, a study shows that bioluminescence can be controlled by slow-acting hormones, not rapid-fire nerve cells.

  3. Materials Science

    Cornering the Terahertz Gap

    Controlling light’s path could enable invisibility or harness an intriguing but so far elusive stretch of the spectrum.

  4. Materials Science

    Fishy flash

    Fish alter the growth of crystals in their skin, making it supershiny.

  5. Physics

    Invisibility within sight

    Two new studies take steps toward practical materials that can bend light backward, which could lead to invisibility cloaks.

  6. Animals

    Clownfish noisemaker is new to science

    Clownfish make "pop-pop-pop" noises at each other by clacking their teeth together in a novel way.

  7. Tag! You’re It

    Biologists catch and tag big sawfish in Florida waters.

  8. Earth

    Hammered Saws

    Sawfish, shark relatives that almost went extinct several decades ago, have now gained protection by international treaty.

  9. The Next Ocean

    Increasing carbon dioxide in the air is changing the pH of the ocean, which could mean very different communities of sea creatures.

  10. Earth

    A Feverish World

    What's behind global warming—and is there anything we can do?

  11. Stranded: A whale of a mystery

    Scientists generally agree that sonar can trigger strandings of certain whales, but no one really knows what leads these deep divers to the beach.

  12. Physics

    Dropping the Ball: Air pressure helps objects sink into sand

    A ball plunges deeper into sand under atmospheric pressure than under a vacuum, because the presence of air allows sand to flow like a liquid.
