Search Results for: Jellyfish

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250 results
  1. Jelly Propulsion

    Jellyfish have been swimming the seas for at least 550 million years, and research is now revealing how the challenges of moving in fluid have shaped the creatures' evolution.

  2. Life

    Nearly immortal sea creature spreads

    Hydrozoan with reversible life cycle now found worldwide.

  3. The Gulf Stream: Tiny Plankton, Giant Bluefin, and the Amazing Story of the Powerful River in the Atlantic

    Review by Nathan Seppa.

  4. Chemistry

    Gooey solution to a sticky problem

    A new, gooey, and potentially useful protein has been extracted from the bodies of jellyfish that overpopulate the seas around Japan.

  5. Computing

    Mapping a Medusa: The Internet spreads its tentacles

    After tracking how digital information weaves around the world, researchers have concluded that, structurally speaking, the Internet looks like a medusa jellyfish.

  6. Life

    Simple body, complex blueprints

    Genes key to the development of modern animals' body plans show up in primitive-looking comb jellies.

  7. Ecosystems

    Human ‘Signature’ in Fish Losses

    Why the whales-ate-my-fish argument doesn't hold water.

  8. Anemone reveals complex past

    The starlet sea anemone, a primitive creature with ancient evolutionary roots, has a surprisingly complex genome.

  9. Earth

    The Costs of Meat and Fish

    The purchase price is often but a small part of the true cost of many animal products in the diet.

  10. Animals

    What’s Going on Down There?

    In a 10-year, global effort, researchers exploring the unknowns of marine life have found bizarre fish, living-fossil shrimp, giant microbes, and a lot of other new neighbors.

  11. Animals

    Built for Blurs: Jellyfish have great eyes that can’t focus

    Eight of a box jellyfish's eyes have superb lenses, but their structure prevents them from focusing sharply.

  12. Humans

    Science News of the Year 2007

    A review of important scientific achievements reported in Science News during the past year.
