Search Results for: Crows

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521 results
  1. Animals

    Lost to history: The “churk”

    More than a half-century ago, researchers at the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center outside Washington, D.C., engaged in some creative barnyard breeding. Their goal was the development of fatherless turkeys — virgin hens that would reproduce via parthenogenesis. Along the way, and ostensibly quite by accident, an interim stage of this work resulted in a rooster-fathered hybrid that the scientists termed a churk.

  2. Life

    Learnin’ lizards

    Underrated reptiles figure out what to do when the old rules change.

  3. Life

    Young elephant struck by idea

    In a test of insight, a 7-year-old pachyderm finds a way to use toy cube to snag a fruity treat hung just out of reach.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Digging into the roots of lupus

    Two new studies implicate common white blood cells called neutrophils in this autoimmune disease.

  5. Consciousness Emerges

    Somewhere along a tangled path, sights, sounds and insights pop into awareness.

  6. Animals

    Tool use to crow about

    A pair of new studies indicates that crows can employ tools in advanced ways, including using stones to displace water in a container and manipulating three sticks in sequence to reach food.

  7. Moody tunes

    To explore the effect that music has on the mind, Science News asked researchers to share a song they enjoy and the emotion it evokes.  Ethan Ross, physicianSong: “Dark Star” by the Grateful Dead Emotion: “Elation, euphoria and wonder.” Virginia Naples, vertebrate paleontologist Song: “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald” by Gordon Lightfoot Emotion: “Sadness […]

  8. Physics

    String theory entangled

    Scientists forge an intriguing mathematical link between black holes and the physics of the very small.

  9. Book Review: The Edge of Physics: A Journey to Earth’s Extremes to Unlock the Secrets of the Universe by Anil Ananthaswamy

    Review by Lisa Grossman.

  10. Letters

    Thinking animals An interesting article, but the question of human consciousness seems no closer to solution in “Humans wonder, anybody home?” by Susan Gaidos (SN: 12/19/09, p. 22) than it did in Julian Jaynes’ The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind of 1976. It seems to me that all the mental […]

  11. Massacre at Sacred Ridge

    A violent Pueblo incident sparks debate regarding prehistoric genocide.

  12. Humans wonder, anybody home?

    Brain structure and circuitry offer clues to consciousness in nonmammals.
