Search Results for: Geology

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7,733 results
  1. Earth

    Pack Rat Piles: Rodent rubbish provides ice age thermometer

    Analyses of fossilized plant remnants collected by pack rats reveal that the Grand Canyon was much cooler than previously thought during the latter part of the last ice age.

  2. Earth

    Tiny Bubbles: Oldest evidence yet for methane makers

    Analyses of the gases dissolved in water trapped in ancient minerals suggest that methane-generating microbes have been around almost 3.5 billion years.

  3. Planetary Science

    Cassini snaps icy moon Dione

    Saturn's small moon Dione has a heavily-cratered, fractured surface.

  4. Planetary Science

    The Whole Enceladus

    Saturn's moon Enceladus has become the hottest new place to look for life in the chilly outer solar system.

  5. Earth

    Spores record changes in ozone concentration

    Decreasing concentrations of atmospheric ozone over Antarctica have triggered changes in the spores of a plant that grows in the region, a trend that could give scientists insight into ancient extinctions.

  6. Earth

    Rome at Risk: Seismic shaking could be long and destructive

    If a large earthquake struck Rome, ground motions could rock the city for up to a minute, threatening many of the city's ancient landmarks.

  7. Earth

    Changing Earth

    Developed by the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History, this Web site focuses on Earth’s history. Visitors learn basic concepts of geological processes and evolution as well as gain a deeper understanding of how and why Earth changes and the impact of these changes on living organisms throughout its history. The site includes a […]

  8. Planetary Science

    Radar for rovers on future Mars trips?

    Scientists are developing ground-penetrating radar equipment that could serve as geologists' helpers on future Mars-roving vehicles.

  9. Earth

    Changes in the Air

    Changes in the atmospheric concentration of oxygen through geologic time, some gradual and some drastic, have strongly shaped evolution among many types of creatures.

  10. Earth

    Charting the Past: Surveys map two lost harbors of Phoenicia

    By analyzing long tubes of sediment drilled from locations in and around the Mediterranean ports of Tyre and Sidon, scientists have rediscovered the harbors from which legions of ancient Phoenician mariners set sail.

  11. Earth

    Dirty Little Secret

    Recognition is growing that many communities have soils laced with asbestos, which has prodded several federal agencies to probe the hazards they might pose.

  12. Earth

    Cold and Deep: Antarctica’s Lake Vostok has two big neighbors

    Trapped beneath Antarctica's kilometers-thick ice sheet are two immense bodies of water that may harbor ecosystems that have been isolated for millions of years.
