Search Results for: Geology

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7,733 results
  1. Earth

    Breaking Crust: Sonar finds new kind of deep-sea volcano

    Undersea explorations more than 600 kilometers east of Japan have discovered evidence of a previously unknown type of volcanism.

  2. Earth

    Fits and Starts

    New data identify some factors that influence the highly variable flow rates of ice streams, the megaglaciers that carry most of Antarctica's ice to the sea.

  3. Earth

    Not-So-Perma Frost

    The world's warming climate, as well as ecological shifts in the timing and frequency of wildfires in boreal forests, pose an increasing threat to Arctic permafrost.

  4. Earth

    Vesuvius’ Shadow: A major volcanic blast could threaten Naples

    When Italy's Mount Vesuvius begins to rumble again, nearby Naples may be in danger.

  5. Planetary Science

    Satanic Winds

    Dust devils send prodigious amounts of dust into Earth's atmosphere, and on Mars the electric fields generated by the dusty vortices may actually stimulate changes in atmospheric chemistry that sterilize the soil.

  6. 19647

    The real irony of ironies is that evolution has not evolved. When even mainstream evolutionary scientists propose any change to “the fact of evolution,” they are immediately silenced. That’s not science. As it has been practiced by many, including Darwin, evolution is really a religion. As a result, no one should be surprised to find […]

  7. Earth

    Oil Booms: Whales don’t avoid noise of seismic exploration

    Field tests in the Gulf of Mexico suggest that sperm whales there don't swim away from boats conducting seismic surveys of the seafloor, but the noise generated by such activity may be subtly affecting the whales' feeding behavior. With video.

  8. Earth

    Seismic Speed Traps: Iron-rich regions may slow deep-Earth vibes

    Large quantities of iron-rich minerals may be responsible for the sluggishness of seismic waves traveling through certain regions deep within Earth.

  9. Earth

    Toxic Tides: Another reason to worry about hurricanes

    The hurricanes that struck Florida in the summer of 2004 also may have triggered an intense, widespread, and long-lasting red tide that afflicted the state's west-central coast throughout 2005.

  10. Humans

    Letters from the April 29, 2006, issue of Science News

    Creating a controversy The real irony of ironies is that evolution has not evolved (“Evolution in Action: The trials and tribulations of intelligent design,” SN: 2/25/06, p. 120). When even mainstream evolutionary scientists propose any change to “the fact of evolution,” they are immediately silenced. That’s not science. As it has been practiced by many, […]

  11. Earth

    Uncharted Territory

    Ultraslow-spreading undersea ridges are giving oceanographers fresh insights into how Earth's crust forms.

  12. Planetary Science

    Moon spray

    The Cassini spacecraft has found conclusive evidence that the south pole of Saturn's moon Enceladus spews jets of icy particles into space.
