Search Results for: Fish

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8,095 results
  1. Tech

    DNA stores poems, a photo and a speech

    The molecule swaps its biological role for a computational one, that of long-term data storage.

  2. Find “extinct” fish alive in South African waters

    A “living fossil” gets new family members as more coelacanths turn up.

  3. Chemistry

    Chemical bond shields extreme microbes from poison

    Molecular structure explains how ‘arsenic life’ bacteria instead survive by fishing out phosphate from their surroundings.

  4. Science & Society

    Insect illustrator

    Taina Litwak is an “art department of one” in D.C. for the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Systematic Entomology Laboratory.

  5. Math

    Test decodes dolphins’ math skills

    Dolphins could use mental math to locate prey in clouds of bubbles.

  6. Animals

    Right eye required for finding Mrs. Right

    Finches flirt unwisely if they can only use their left eyes.

  7. Ecosystems

    Changing seasons inspire science

    Researchers are tapping into the wealth of observations being made by citizen scientists nationwide. One of the largest repositories of such data is maintained by the USA National Phenology Network.

  8. Letters

    A Boy Scout’s salute I am a Boy Scout doing the Communications Merit Badge. I am supposed to write to the editor of a magazine and express my opinion. I’ve always loved the Atom & Cosmos section because I’m very interested in particle physics and on the other end of the scale, cosmology. “Earth-y orb […]

  9. Humans

    Uncommitted newbies can foil forceful few

    Decisions more democratic when individuals with no preset preference join a group.

  10. Big Fishing Yields Small Fish

    Researchers map predator loss and predict unstable oceans.

  11. Life

    Pulsing blob makes memories sans brain

    Slime molds create a GPS navigation system based on their own gooey trails.

  12. Earth

    Defying Depth

    How deep-sea creatures, and close relatives, survive tons of water weight.
