Search Results for: Fish

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8,095 results
  1. Life

    Rising carbon dioxide confuses brain signaling in fish

    Nerve cells respond to acidifying waters.

  2. Mixed Results

    Having the right blend of animal personalities can make or break a group

  3. Humans

    Pruney digits help people get a grip

    Finger and toe wrinkling may have evolved as an adaptation to wet conditions.

  4. Earth

    Acid test points to coming fish troubles

    Young fish can suffer severe damage from the ocean acidification expected within this century.

  5. Animals

    A Different Kind of Smart

    Animals’ cognitive shortcomings are as revealing as their genius.

  6. You really can learn while you sleep

    Brain stays busy during lights-out.

  7. Science & Society

    When it comes to food, it’s kosher for science and religion to mix

  8. Life

    Vampire squid no Gordon Gekko

    Recently equated with greedy financiers, Vampyroteuthis infernalis is not really all that rapacious.

  9. Health & Medicine

    The Human Brainome Project

    Obama announces ambitious plan to develop new tools for exploring neural circuitry.

  10. Life

    Sardine fishery may be in peril

    Cool ocean cycle, population slide evoke collapse of Pacific resource in the late 1940s.

  11. Animals

    Better bird nesting also good for giant manta rays

    Disrupting tree canopies on a Pacific atoll discourages big fish off shore through a long chain of ecological consequences.

  12. Life

    Sawfish don’t saw

    Spiked snouts whack prey to the bottom, helping the predator better get its mouth around dinner.
