Search Results for: Geology

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7,733 results
  1. Anthropology

    Not So Clear-Cut: Soil erosion may not have led to Mayan downfall

    Hand-planted maize, beans, and squash sustained the Mayans for millennia, until their culture collapsed about 1,100 years ago. Some researchers have suggested that the Mayans’ very success in turning forests into farmland led to soil erosion that made farming increasingly difficult and eventually caused their downfall. But a new study of ancient lake sediments has […]

  2. Stranded: A whale of a mystery

    Scientists generally agree that sonar can trigger strandings of certain whales, but no one really knows what leads these deep divers to the beach.

  3. Earth

    Clay That Kills: Ground yields antibacterial agents

    A special type of French clay smothers a diverse array of bacteria, including antibiotic-resistant strains and a particularly nasty pathogen that causes skin ulcers.

  4. Humans

    Obama Likes Research

    Featured blog: The Obama campaign answers 14 questions posed by the Science Debate 2008 committee, and research figured prominently in most of the answers.

  5. Earth

    As the last ice age waned, a great lake was born

    Lake Agassiz, a huge and now vanished freshwater lake, formed almost 14,000 years ago, toward the end of the last ice age.

  6. Earth

    Yellowstone Rising: Magma floods into chamber beneath park

    Some parts of the terrain in Yellowstone National Park have been rising as much as 7 centimeters per year as molten rock wells up beneath the park.

  7. Earth

    Double-acting bacteria immobilize toxic nanoparticles

    Bacteria lurking in the bowels of an abandoned Wisconsin mine might help remove toxic metals from polluted water.

  8. Archaeology

    Lake-Bottom Bounty: Some Arctic sediments didn’t erode during recent ice ages

    Sediments in a few lakes in northeastern Canada were not scoured away during recent ice ages, a surprising find that could prove a boon to climate researchers.

  9. Earth

    Meteorites on Ice

    Join a recent expedition to the Antarctic to search for meteorites. Check out reports from the 2006-2007 trek in the daily expedition blog. Go to: and

  10. Earth

    Signs of Life?

    Life's effects on a planet's terrain show up only in surprisingly subtle ways.

  11. Archaeology

    Muons Meet the Maya

    Physicists are exploring the use of muons generated by cosmic rays to explore Mayan archaeological sites and to probe the interiors of volcanoes and shipping containers.

  12. Earth

    O River Deltas, Where Art Thou? Coastal sinking stalls sediment accumulation

    The western coast of Siberia lacks river deltas because of the way the terrain has subsided since the end of the last ice age.
