Search Results for: Rabbits

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1,698 results
  1. Genetics

    Tameness is in the genes

    Taming affects common genes in multiple species.

  2. Animals

    If pursued by a goshawk, make a sharp turn

    Scientists put a tiny camera on a northern goshawk and watched it hunt. The bird used several strategies to catch prey, failing only when its targets made a sharp turn.

  3. Animals

    Cats and foxes are driving Australia’s mammals extinct

    Since the arrival of Europeans in Australia, a startling number of mammal species have disappeared. A new study puts much of the blame on introduced cats and foxes.

  4. Paleontology

    Traces of dino blood, soft tissue found even in junk bones

    Hints of blood and collagen found in poorly preserved dinosaur bones suggest that soft tissue from the creatures may be easier to come by.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Old drug reduces herpes symptoms, spread in animal tests

    The antidepressant tranylcypromine might also work as antiviral against herpes, animal studies suggest.

  6. Animals

    Could the dinos of ‘Jurassic World’ become invasive?

    Even if they escaped their island home, the giant reptiles of ‘Jurassic World’ probably wouldn’t survive on the mainland. But the movie’s plants are another story.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Rabbit heart gets full electrode jacket

    A silicon jacket makes it possible for scientists to place sensors on specific areas of the heart without glue or stitches and could one day be used for diagnosing and treating human heart diseases.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Cells from fat mend bone, cartilage, muscle and even the heart

    Stem cells and other components of fat can be coerced to grow into bone, cartilage, muscle or to repair the heart.

  9. Planetary Science

    China’s moon rover may be beyond repair

    If the rover’s electronics are exposed to the extremely cold temperatures on the moon, they will break, leaving Jade Rabbit inoperable.

  10. Plants

    Climbing high to save a threatened West Coast plant

    A group of scientists hopes to save a cliff-hugging plant threatened by invasive grasses, drought and fire in California’s Santa Monica Mountains.

  11. Neuroscience

    Sniffing out human pheromones

    A new review argues that most of the chemicals labeled human pheromones, and the experiments behind them, don’t pass the smell test.

  12. Psychology

    Farming practices have shaped thinking styles

    The different levels of cooperation required to grow rice and wheat have sown psychological differences within China and possibly between East Asia and the West.
