Search Results for: Insects

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6,697 results
  1. Animals

    Some African birds follow nomadic ants to their next meal

    Specialized interactions between birds and driver ants in Africa could help explain why the birds are especially sensitive to forest disturbances.

  2. Anthropology

    Ancient primates’ unchipped teeth hint that they ate mostly fruit

    Of more than 400 teeth collected, just 21 were chipped, suggesting that early primate diets were soft on their choppers.

  3. Animals

    A frog’s story of surviving a fungal pandemic offers hope for other species

    Evolving immunity to the Bd fungus and a reintroduction project saved a California frog. The key to rescuing other species might be in the frog’s genes.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Four things to know about malaria cases in the United States

    Five people have picked up malaria in the United States without traveling abroad. The risk of contracting the disease remains extremely low.

  5. Paleontology

    Insect bites in plant fossils reveal leaves could fold shut millions of years ago

    The 252-million-year-old fossil leaves have symmetrical holes, which suggest an insect bit through the leaves when they were folded.

  6. Readers react to mysterious protists, bird brains, more

  7. Space

    ​​During the awe of totality, scientists studied our planet’s reactions

    Earth’s atmosphere was a big area of focus for scientists studying the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024.

  8. Animals

    Ximena Velez-Liendo is saving Andean bears with honey

    By training beekeepers, biologist Ximena Velez-Liendo is helping rural agricultural communities of southern Bolivia coexist with Andean bears.

  9. Paleontology

    Katydids had the earliest known insect ears 160 million years ago

    Fossils from the Jurassic Period show katydid ears looked identical to those of modern katydids and could pick up short-range calls.

  10. Genetics

    These 8 GMOs tell a brief history of genetic modification

    Since the first genetically modified organism 50 years ago, GMOs have brought us disease-resistant crops, new drugs and more.

  11. Life

    Swarming locusts can deploy a chemical to avoid being cannibalized

    Releasing a “don’t-eat-me” pheromone signals a locust has become a toxic treat. The finding could lead to new ways to control destructive swarms.

  12. Life

    Chemical signals from fungi tell bark beetles which trees to infest

    As fungi break down defensive chemicals in trees, some byproducts act as signals to bark beetle pests, telling them which trees are most vulnerable.
