Search Results for: Geology

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7,733 results
  1. Readers react to a dwarf planet’s odd ring, dry farming and more

  2. Earth

    Landslides shaped a hidden landscape within Yellowstone

    Scientists have used lasers to get a detailed view of the national park’s topography, and they’ve spotted more than a thousand landslides.

  3. Paleontology

    Katydids had the earliest known insect ears 160 million years ago

    Fossils from the Jurassic Period show katydid ears looked identical to those of modern katydids and could pick up short-range calls.

  4. Planetary Science

    A volcano on Venus was spotted erupting in decades-old images

    A new look at old data reveals an eruption on Venus in the 1990s that was probably similar to Hawaii’s Kilauea eruption in 2018.

  5. Space

    What has Perseverance found in two years on Mars?

    NASA's Perseverance rover has turned up volcanic rocks, signs of flowing water and some of the materials necessary for life.

  6. Earth

    Jacky Austermann looks to the solid earth for clues to sea level rise

    Jacky Austermann’s work could help inform practical climate change solutions for at-risk coastal cities.

  7. Planetary Science

    Methylated gases could be an unambiguous indicator of alien life

    On Earth, methylated gases are produced by organisms cleaning up their environment — and by little else. The same might be true on some exoplanets.

  8. Planetary Science

    Organic molecules in an ancient Mars meteorite formed via geology, not alien life

    Analysis of an ancient Martian meteorite reveals that organic molecules within it were formed by geologic processes rather than alien life.

  9. Earth

    Indigenous people may have created the Amazon’s ‘dark earth’ on purpose

    Modern Amazonians make nutrient-rich soil from ash, food scraps and burns. The soil strongly resembles ancient dark soils found in the region.

  10. Environment

    Heat waves in U.S. rivers are on the rise. Here’s why that’s a problem

    In recent years, heat waves in U.S. rivers have gotten more frequent, causing trouble for fish, plants and water quality.

  11. Space

    How balloons could one day detect quakes on Venus

    A new study opens the door for future balloon-based missions to study the geology of other worlds.

  12. Environment

    Earth’s oldest known wildfires raged 430 million years ago

    430-million-year-old fossilized charcoal suggests atmospheric oxygen levels of at least 16 percent, the amount needed for fire to take hold and spread.
