Search Results for: Crows

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521 results
  1. Life

    As Brood II emerges, questions remain about cicada cycles

    The how and why of years lived underground are among the unsolved mysteries about the loud, obvious insects.

  2. Animals

    Cicadas’ odd life cycle poses evolutionary conundrums

    Scientists are getting an idea about the odd family tree of periodical cicadas, how the insects synchronize their life cycles and why they breed side-by-side with others unsuitable for mating.

  3. Letters

    Lumpy lunar illusion Are you folks aware of a phenomenon based on the universal expectation that objects are illuminated by light coming from above? Several startling optical illusions are based on this quirk of the mind. For example, the sharp moon map in “Orbiter delivers sharp moon map” (SN: 7/30/11, p. 12) makes the moon […]

  4. The Sopranos with feathers

    Stories from a day of bird searching.

  5. Humans

    This snowbird is really going SOUTH

    Many people of a certain age (like my folks) enjoy flying south to warmer climes when winter weather threatens. I’m also flying south this December — but not to warm up. As a guest of the National Science Foundation, I’ll be checking out summer in the really deep South: Antarctica. Temps expected at certain sites I’m scheduled to visit, such as the South Pole, threaten to surpass the worst that my hometown will encounter in the dead of winter.

  6. Animals

    Collision Course

    The tales of two ornithologists trying to prevent birds colliding with windows highlight the obstacles facing applied biology.

  7. When Birds Go to Town

    Urban settings offer enterprising critters new opportunities — if they can cope with the challenges 

  8. Life

    Archaeopteryx wore black

    Microscopic structures in an iconic fossil feather suggest that it was the color of a crow.

  9. Life

    Microraptor’s true blue colors

    The birdlike dinosaur had black, iridescent feathers that may have helped it attract mates.

  10. Letters

    Defining the human species Having read “Humans benefited by interbreeding” (SN: 10/8/11, p. 13), I wonder if I have missed what, to me, seems a major change in the definition of “species.” I was taught that the attempted crossbreeding of animals of two different species could result in either no offspring or sterile offspring. If […]

  11. Life


    Birds' share of dinosaur extinction, the 'battle' between cattle and wildlife and more in this week's news.

  12. Life


    A thinner dodo, plus more in this week’s news.
