Search Results for: Chimpanzee

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947 results
  1. Animals

    No more than 800 orangutans from this newly identified species remain

    Endangered population of orangutans is the oldest surviving red ape lineage, a new study finds.

  2. Genetics

    Ancient humans avoided inbreeding by networking

    Ancient DNA expands foragers’ social, mating networks.

  3. Anthropology

    European fossils may belong to earliest known hominid

    With new analyses of Graecopithecus fossils from Greece and Bulgaria, researchers argue for possible hominid origins in Europe, not Africa.

  4. Astronomy

    What do plants and animals do during an eclipse?

    A citizen science experiment will gather the biggest dataset to date of animal responses to a total eclipse.

  5. Animals

    Chimps look at behinds the way we look at faces

    Humans demonstrate something called the inversion effect when gazing at faces. Chimpanzees do this too — when looking at other chimps’ butts.

  6. Anthropology

    Low-status chimps revealed as trendsetters

    Outranked chimpanzees trigger spread of useful new behaviors among their comrades.

  7. Health & Medicine

    When kids imitate others, they’re just being human

    In imitation tests, kids readily performed nonsensical actions, but bonobos didn’t. The results hint that excessive imitation may be a uniquely human trait.

  8. Anthropology

    Scientists battle over whether violence has declined over time

    People are no more violent in small-scale societies than in states, researchers contend.

  9. Anthropology

    How humans (maybe) domesticated themselves

    Prior to taming other species, humans selected for more docile traits among fellow Homo sapiens, a slew of recent studies suggest.

  10. Animals

    Shocking stories tell tale of London Zoo’s founding

    In The Zoo, Isobel Charman pens a gripping narrative of the London Zoo’s early days, when workers had a hard time keeping animals alive.

  11. Genetics

    Ancient hookups gave chimps a smidge of bonobo DNA

    Genetic evidence suggests bonobos and chimpanzees interbred after becoming separate species.

  12. Life

    Jumping genes are part of all that makes us human

    Ask 10 people what makes humans human and you’ll probably get 10 different answers — and then some.
