Search Results for: superconductivity

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849 results
  1. Physics

    Material borders support unusually warm electronic superhighways

    The interface between a conductive wafer and an iron-containing film is a high-temperature superconductor, which transmits electrons without resistance.

  2. Quantum Physics

    Trying to get the down-low on gravity

    A twist on a classic quantum mechanics experiment could lead to the discovery of elusive gravitons.

  3. Quantum Physics

    Quasiparticles help physicists make sense of the world

    To improve semiconductors, superconductors and other materials, physicists view a particle and its surroundings as one entity.

  4. Quantum Physics

    Light trick can retrieve missed messages

    Even if photons pass you by, you can still snatch a signal from their electromagnetic wake, physicists propose.

  5. Physics

    Perfect fluid of electrons may flow inside superconductor

    Understanding superconductors’ viscosity could help inspire scientists to find ways to improve the electric power grid.

  6. Particle Physics

    Sam Ting tries to expose dark matter’s mysteries

    Particle physicist Sam Ting is applying a meticulous approach to analyzing positrons in space, testing whether they can reveal clues about dark matter.

  7. Quantum Physics

    Tensor networks get entangled with quantum gravity

    Using tensors to describe quantum entanglement shows promise as a way to understand gravity.

  8. Quantum Physics

    Commercial quantum computer fails to impress in new test

    Fifteen million dollar D-Wave machine runs no faster than traditional computer in head-to-head challenge.

  9. Quantum Physics

    Major step taken toward error-free computing

    Physicists have achieved nearly perfect control over a bit of quantum information, bringing them a step closer to error-free computation.

  10. Particle Physics

    Higgs owes his Nobel to an editor and a biologist

  11. Physics

    Top 10 scientific supers

    From supersonic to supernova, superego and supersymmetry, a roundup of science’s super superlatives.

  12. Particle Physics

    Higgs field prediction lands Nobel Prize in physics

    The famous particle’s detection last year confirmed the laureates’ 1964 proposal.
