Search Results for: mars mission

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1,003 results
  1. Planetary Science

    The Perseverance rover caps off a month of Mars launches

    With the launch of NASA’s Perseverance rover, the rush to the Red Planet is under way.

  2. Space

    To rehearse Perseverance’s mission, scientists pretended to be a Mars rover

    Seven Mars scientists pretended to be the Mars Perseverance rover on a training exercise in the Nevada desert.

  3. Planetary Science

    Coronavirus and technical issues delay a Mars mission’s launch

    The joint European-Russian ExoMars rover’s launch was postponed from July to 2022 so technicians could resolve issues with the landing equipment.

  4. Astronomy

    The discovery of the Kuiper Belt revamped our view of the solar system

    Thirty years ago, astronomers found the Kuiper Belt, a region of space home to Pluto and other icy worlds that helped show how the solar system evolved.

  5. Planetary Science

    How upcoming missions to Mars will help predict its wild dust storms

    Predicting the weather on Mars is essential for landing and keeping rovers — or astronauts — safe on the surface. The next Mars missions will give forecasts a boost.

  6. Readers ask about Mars dust storms, Fermi bubbles and more

  7. Space

    Two new books explore Mars — and what it means to be human

    ‘Once Upon a Time I Lived on Mars’ and ‘The Sirens of Mars’ are surprisingly apt reads during the pandemic.

  8. Space

    How future spacecraft might handle tricky landings on Venus or Europa

    Scientists are getting inventive with ways to touch down on these worlds, where landers will face obstacles not seen elsewhere in the solar system.

  9. Space

    What will astronauts need to survive the dangerous journey to Mars?

    Going to Mars, astronauts will need protections from microgravity and radiation, plus miniature medical devices to diagnose problems and help handle emergencies.

  10. Planetary Science

    Farming on Mars will be a lot harder than ‘The Martian’ made it seem

    Lab experiments developing and testing fake Martian dirt are proving just how difficult it would be to farm on the Red Planet.

  11. Astronomy

    The James Webb Space Telescope has reached its new home at last

    The most powerful telescope ever launched still has a long to-do list before it can start doing science.

  12. Planetary Science

    NASA’s Perseverance rover will seek signs of past life on Mars

    NASA’s Perseverance rover will collect rocks and search for past life on Mars using lasers and zoomable cameras among other instruments.
