Search Results for: Geology

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7,733 results
  1. Earth

    Britain’s biggest meteorite strike

    An unusual layer of rock found along Britain's northwestern coast formed from the debris thrown out of a crater when a meteorite struck nearby more than 1 billion years ago.

  2. Oceans

    Death by magma

    Widespread extinctions in the world’s oceans millions of years ago may have been triggered by massive underwater volcanic eruptions that created much of the Caribbean seafloor.

  3. Life

    Humans aided, constrained by fossil fuels

    Maintaining long-term population will require alternate energy sources.

  4. Life

    Elephant kin liked the water

    Moeritherium, ancient relatives of modern elephants, may have spent much of their time in lakes, rivers or swamps.

  5. Earth

    Virtual seismometer

    A new supercomputer simulation of the large quake that struck central China earlier this month could help researchers estimate the size of the ground motions experienced in areas that didn’t have seismic instruments.

  6. Earth

    First wave

    The presidents of two island nations draft escape plans, anticipating sea level rise.

  7. Earth

    Precious little gems

    Ancient microdiamonds embedded inside ancient zircons found in western Australia suggest that life may have existed on Earth up to 4.25 billion years ago.

  8. Tech

    Bias, quakes and viruses, oh my!

    Researchers present findings at the annual New Horizons in Science meeting.

  9. Earth

    Earth: Science news of the year, 2008

    Science News writers and editors looked back at the past year's stories and selected a handful as the year's most interesting and important in Earth. Follow hotlinks to the full, original stories.

  10. Earth

    The Solar System’s Big Bang

    Finding signs of a lost beginning.

  11. Space

    Martian sands

    Sandy soil on the Red Planet hints at an ancient mix of volcanic activity and water, a potent breeding ground for life.

  12. Humans

    Bear deadline

    Court calls for the already overdue decision on listing polar bears as a threatened species.
