Search Results for: Fish

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8,095 results
  1. Animals

    Migration is a deadly time for raptors

    For a bird or any other animal that migrates a long distance, it’s sure to face a host of dangers. The story is no different for raptors.

  2. Ecosystems

    Light pollution takes a toll on the aquatic food web

  3. Animals

    Two books explore the weirdest life on Earth

    Zombie Birds, Astronaut Fish and Other Weird Animals by Becky Crew and Weird Life by David Toomey.

  4. Animals

    A gory 12 days of Christmas

    Insects and spiders are among the biggest gift-givers, often as part of mating, and anything from cyanide to a wad of saliva can be a present.

  5. Earth

    Fish in mom’s diet may alter kids’ behavior

    Eating fish that's low in mercury during pregnancy may reduce the risk that a woman's child shows signs of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

  6. Life

    Among bass, easiest to catch are best dads

    Recreational fishing may be inadvertent evolutionary force, favoring cautious fish over better caretakers of the young.

  7. SN Online

    EARTH IN ACTION Alexandra Witze ponders Earth’s odds in “When an asteroid heads for Earth, it’s time to reconsider those doomsday plans.” Alessandro Cumbo and Martin Oeggerli MOLECULES Nanoparticles (below, blue) detect viruses (pink) in “Synthetic nanomaterial can recognize viruses.” HEALTH & ILLNESSAllergic people became able to tolerate up to a full glass of milk. […]

  8. Life

    Group to Group

    Wild chimpanzees pick up ant-fishing behavior from a female immigrant.

  9. Humans

    Pottery cooked from the start

    Japanese sites yield late Stone Age evidence of people heating fish in ceramic vessels.

  10. Animals

    Deer and other animals can survive being impaled

    Whether they are hunting shots gone wrong or something more sinister, stories of animals surviving such misfortunes are not uncommon.

  11. Life

    News in brief: Fins to limbs with flip of genetic switch

    Boost of gene activity may help explain how arms and legs evolved in vertebrates.

  12. Earth

    Life under ice

    Lake Vostok may harbor ingredients for a complex subglacial ecosystem.
