Search Results for: Fish

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8,095 results
  1. Animals

    Dead, live guppies vie for paternity

    Females can use sperm months after mates go belly up.

  2. Feedback

    Readers respond to disco clams, flying ibises and the changes pot makes on the brain.

  3. Archaeology

    Animal mummies were a message direct to the gods

    A new theory about the purpose of animals mummified by ancient Egyptians proposes that the cats, ibises and other dead critters were more than just simple sacrifices.

  4. Animals

    Dazzle camouflage may fool a locust

    The bold zig-zag patterns that adorned naval ships during the world wars also appear in nature and may bewilder locusts, a new study suggests.

  5. Animals

    Highlights from the Evolution 2013 meeting

    Selections from the meeting include a natural fish experiment, terrapins' light displays and why a variety of eye colors persist in people, presented June 21-25 in Snowbird, Utah.

  6. Archaeology

    Written in bone

    Researchers are reconstructing the migrations that carried agriculture into Europe by analyzing DNA from the skeletons of early farmers and the people they displaced.

  7. Animals

    Porpoises Can Teach Man Marine Diving, Detection

    Excerpt from the September 7, 1963, issue of Science News Letter

  8. Health & Medicine

    Sugar doesn’t make kids hyper, and other parenting myths

    There’s no shortage of advice out there for parents, but some pearls of wisdom simply aren’t true.

  9. Earth

    Gulf spill harmed small fish, studies indicate

    Effects vary but dire impacts seen with some very low exposures.

  10. SN Online

    FRAME OF MIND Laura Sanders ponders turning off depression instantaneously in her column “A new generation of antidepressants could help patients feel better faster.” A. Muto et al/Current Biology 2013 BODY & BRAIN See a video of nerves firing in a fish larva’s brain (below) as it hunts in “As fish watch prey, researchers watch […]

  11. Life

    Brain cell insulators are short-timers

    Limited myelin production time may make it harder to repair nerve casings damaged by multiple sclerosis.

  12. Life

    Seaweed-threatened corals send chemical SOS to fish

    The cry for help summons allies to graze away the algal overgrowth.
