Search Results for: Insects

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6,697 results
  1. Life

    Grasshoppers’ terror outlives them

    After an existence plagued by predatory spiders, the insects pass into oblivion, leaving a legacy of impoverished soil.

  2. Life

    Chill turns monarchs north

    Temperature manipulation appears to solve mystery of what triggers migratory butterflies’ homeward trip.

  3. Life

    Rainforest katydids evolved mammal-like ears

    Tiny hearing organs below insect’s knees have a structure similar to those in humans.

  4. Science & Society

    Air: The Restless Shaper of the World

    by William Bryant Logan.

  5. Animals

    Compared with rodents, bat species carry more viruses

    Viruses that can jump from animals to people may find the flying mammals a fine place to lurk.

  6. Life

    Ants’ hive mind

    The insects make better decisions collectively than when on their own.

  7. Life

    Bees learn the electric buzz of flowers

    Floral electric fields could join color and fragrance as cues to pollinators.

  8. SN Online

    LIFE Insects practice their own form of suicide bombing. See “Terminator termites have unique technique.” Marina Montresor, SZN, Alfred Wegener Institute ENVIRONMENT Iron fertilizer passes a test as a climate aid in “Field test stashes climate-warming carbon in deep ocean.” SCIENCE & THE PUBLIC BLOG Dental resins may be linked to some behavioral shifts in […]

  9. Fly guy

    Brian Brown can discover a new kind of fly anywhere. He often takes up the search in exotic locales such as New Zealand, Chile or Taiwan, but he’s not picky. Once, he was challenged to find a new species in a Los Angeles backyard. After setting a trap and waiting, he pulled out a winner: […]

  10. Tech

    On the Rebound

    Scientists revive search for new rubber sources.

  11. SN Online

    DELETED SCENES BLOG The Higgs boson deserves all the hype it has received — and then some. Read about the particle’s hidden talents in “Higgs hysteria.” Courtesy of Nigel Franks Two new studies support the idea that an odd microbe cannot swap arsenic for phosphorus. Read “Arsenic-based life gets even more toxic.” LIFE Scientists electronically […]

  12. Life

    Skinny searchers keep fat ants full

    By controlling movement out of an ant nest, researchers discover that ants weigh tubbiness in deciding who hunts for food.
