Search Results for: Fish

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8,095 results
  1. Animals

    In dark fishing spiders, males’ postmating nap is permanent

    Species prepares for two pairings but goes into a fatal coma after a single encounter.

  2. Animals

    How to count a sea turtle

    Trends, not absolute numbers, matter more when it comes to conservation efforts for sea turtles.

  3. Life

    Primitive fish could nod but not shake its head

    Ancient fossils reveal surprises about early vertebrate necks, abdominal muscles.

  4. Earth

    Creativity offers insights into the past and future

    With the long-term future of many fisheries in doubt and severe drought once again hitting the Southwest, coming up with new insights into the past and future on land and sea may be crucial to protecting some of our most precious resources.

  5. Animals

    Submariners’ ‘bio-duck’ is probably a whale

    First acoustic tags on Antarctic minke whales suggest the marine mammals are the long-sought source of the mysterious bio-duck sound.

  6. Materials Science

    Radar distinguishes electronics from other metals

    Using two pulses of radio waves, method could locate survivors trapped in rubble.

  7. Animals

    See-through shrimp flex invisible muscle

    Much of the body of a Pederson’s transparent shrimp looks like watery nothing, but it’s a superhero sort of nothing.

  8. Animals

    Ten real-life Halloween horrors in the natural world

    Vampires and witches are nothing compared to mind-controlling parasites, nose ticks and antibiotic-resistant superbugs.

  9. Animals

    Gray seals snack on harbor porpoises

    Photo evidence confirms seals' fatal attacks on harbor porpoises in the English Channel, suggesting that declines in the seals' usual fare are forcing the animals to seek out other high-energy food.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Overheard, baby edition: Making sense of new words

    Eavesdropping babies learn new words when they understand familiar ones.

  11. Climate

    Crop nutrients may drop as carbon dioxide rises

    Many staple grains and legumes pack 5 to 10 percent less iron, zinc and protein when grown at carbon dioxide levels expected midcentury.

  12. Climate

    Sharks could serve as ocean watchdogs

    Tagged with sensors, toothy fish gather weather and climate data in remote Pacific waters.
