Search Results for: Geology

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7,733 results
  1. Agriculture

    EPA reviews hints of weed killer’s fetal risks

    The Environmental Protection Agency will be convening meetings of its Scientific Advisory Panel on pesticides throughout 2010 to probe concerns about the safety of atrazine, a weed killer on which most American corn growers rely. The first meeting of these outside experts started Tuesday. And although a large number of studies have indicated that atrazine can perturb hormones in animals and human cells — and might even pose a possible risk of cancer amongst heavily exposed people, these outcomes were not the focus of EPA’s review Tuesday. Risks to babies were.

  2. Physics

    A very special snowball

    The long-predicted ice XV has been spotted in the lab.

  3. Engineering a cooler Earth

    Researchers brainstorm radical ways to counter climate change.

  4. Earth

    Arctic images declassified

    High-res Arctic sea images should be declassified, says National Research Council.

  5. Earth

    Shaky Forecasts

    Despite past failures, geophysicists think earthquake prediction might still be possible.

  6. Earth

    Unusual advances

    New glacier model helps explain how ice masses can grow even in a generally warming climate.

  7. Earth

    Buried-lakes story wins top award

    Some readers may be unaware of our sister publication, Science News for Kids, a weekly online magazine for middle-school readers. This morning, we learned that one of the site’s feature stories — Where Rivers Run Uphill — won this year’s top science journalism award for reporting news for children.

  8. Archaeology

    Europe’s oldest stone hand axes emerge in Spain

    Researchers report identifying Europe’s oldest stone hand axes at Spanish sites dating to 900,000 and 760,000 years ago.

  9. Earth

    Erosion, on the down low

    Experiments show how microscopic fungi attack minerals to begin the erosion process.

  10. Weed Killer in the Crosshairs

    Concerns prompt reexamination of atrazine’s safety.

  11. Book Review: Charles Darwin: The ‘Beagle’ Letters by Frederick Burkhardt (Editor)

    Review by Tom Siegfried.

  12. Earth

    2009 Science News of the Year: Environment

    Recent monitoring (from a gondola in Washington state, shown) reveals that rates of tree death are up. Credit: Univ. of Washington Routine tree deaths doubled Small background rates of everyday tree death have doubled in old-growth, western forests since 1955, possibly because of climate change, researchers report (SN: 2/14/09, p. 8). In 76 plots with […]
