Search Results for: Insects

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6,697 results
  1. Animals

    African frog conceals itself with chemicals

    Two small peptides keep the West African savanna frog from being stung by ants.

  2. Animals

    Winged robots may shed light on fly aerobatics

    After years of trying, researchers create flapping machines that can hover and perform rudimentary flight maneuvers.

  3. Life

    Bedbugs raise genetic defense against pesticides

    Bedbugs turn on several genes, in both their shells and their nerve cells, to stave off effects of insecticides.

  4. Animals

    Embracing the swarm

    Entomologist Michael Raupp is enjoying Swarmageddon. The giant batch of cicadas began emerging from the ground in late April and will be heard in some northeastern states through June.

  5. Animals

    Honeybees use right antennae to tell friend from foe

    Asymmetry in sense of smell alters insects' behavior in lab tests.

  6. Animals

    Common pesticides change odds in ant fights

    Species’ combat success can rise or fall after repeated exposure to a common neonicotinoid insecticide.

  7. Life

    Getting to know the real living dead

    A look at the bacteria inside bloated cadavers finds the dead are teeming with life.

  8. Animals

    Butterflies’ tidy drinking tricks

    The long tube of the insects' mouthparts is fluid friendly only at the tip.

  9. Animals

    Rhino beetle horns come cheap

  10. Animals

    Native pollinators boost crop yields worldwide

    Farms with crops from coffee to mangoes don’t get the best yields if they rely solely on honeybees.

  11. Animals

    Dung beetles steer by the Milky Way

    The insects orient themselves using starlight, researchers find in planetarium experiments.

  12. Plants

    Giant genomes felled by DNA sequencing advances

    Complete genetic blueprints have been collected for several conifer species.
