Search Results for: Geology

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7,733 results
  1. Science Future for August 29, 2009

    September 29 MESSENGER spacecraft expected to make its third and final flyby of Mercury. Learn more at October 4–10 Celebrate World Space Week. Find local events and activities at October 18–21 The Geological Society of America hosts its annual meeting in Portland, Ore. Visit

  2. Life

    Hawaiian caterpillars are first known amphibious insects

    Developing underwater or above, it’s all good for moths that evolved new lifestyle in the islands

  3. Earth

    Fowl surprise! Methylmercury improves hatching rate

    A pinch of methylmercury is just ducky for mallard reproduction, according to a new federal study. The findings are counterintuitive, since methylmercury is ordinarily a potent neurotoxic pollutant.

  4. Space

    Bouncing sands explain Mars’ rippled surface

    A new study finds that dunes and ridges can form without much wind on the Red Planet.

  5. Climate

    IPCC admits Himalayan glacier error

    The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change acknowledged today that it had erred in projecting the rate and impacts of retreating Himalayan glaciers in a 2007 report.

  6. Earth

    The big spill: Flood could have filled Mediterranean in less than two years

    Discovery of a distinctive channel and new calculations of possible water movement suggest a fast and furious flow formed the sea.

  7. Animals

    Ancient giant beavers did not chow on trees

    The now-extinct animals had a hippo-like diet

  8. Earth

    Spotting danger from on high

    Airborne sensors can identify mineral outcrops and soil that may contain natural asbestos.

  9. Chemistry

    How leaves could monitor pollution

    Trees near high-traffic areas accumulate tiny particles.

  10. Space

    Water on the moon: How much?

    Ron Cowen reports from the annual meeting of the American Astronomical Society’s Division for Planetary Sciences.

  11. Earth

    Feds propose banning giant snakes

    Today, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service announced plans to ban the importation and interstate transport of nine species of giant snakes. It’s a good idea, but a little like closing the barn door after the horse — or in this case, the pythons and anacondas — got loose.

  12. As the worms churn

    Burrowing animals mix soil and sediments, shaping the environment and scientists’ understanding of it.
