Search Results for: Fish

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8,095 results
  1. Tech

    Octobot uses webbed arms to swim faster

    Octopus-inspired robot could one day help researchers observe underwater ecosystems.

  2. Climate

    Meat-eaters’ greenhouse gas emissions are twice as high as vegans’

    Meat-eaters dietary GHG emissions are twice as high as those of vegans, a study finds.

  3. Life

    Near reefs, microbial mix dictated by coral and algae

    A reef’s dominant organism, coral or algae, may determine what kind of bacteria live there.

  4. Animals

    Seeing past the jellyfish sting

    Jellies don’t get nearly as much love as their cousins, the corals, but they deserve credit for providing homes to some creatures, dinner to others and more. They’re an integral part of the oceans.

  5. Animals

    Otters provide a lesson about the effects of dams

    A dam created a new habitat, but that habitat’s lower quality kept otter density low.

  6. Life

    Billion-Dollar Fish

    The Untold Story of Alaska Pollock by Kevin M. Bailey.

  7. Neuroscience

    Chicks show left-to-right number bias

    Recently hatched chicks may have their own version of the left-to-right mental number line.

  8. Paleontology

    Lost-and-found dinosaur thrived in water

    Fossils pieced together through ridiculous luck reveal Spinosaurus to be the only known dinosaur adapted for regular ventures into water.

  9. Neuroscience


    Readers discuss volcanoes and brain studies involving chocolate, and recommend some science-based options for game night.

  10. Genetics

    Elephant shark genome small and slow to evolve

    The animals have the smallest genome of non-bony fishes and the slowest-evolving genes among vertebrates, a study suggests.

  11. Animals

    Dog-paddle science debunks notion of underwater trot

    From Newfoundlands to Yorkshire terriers, canines swim with similar, distinctive gait.

  12. Materials Science

    Making artificial muscles with a spin

    Scientists have given ordinary fishing line and sewing thread a new twist. When coiled into tight corkscrews, the fibers can lift loads more than 100 times as heavy as those hefted by human muscles.
