Search Results for: Bears

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6,745 results
  1. Anthropology

    Partial skeletons may represent new hominid

    Partial skeletons may represent a new hominid species with implications for Homo origins, one researcher claims. But many of his peers disagree.

  2. Life

    Giant panda genome unveiled

    DNA clues suggest little inbreeding, surprise on the bamboo diet.

  3. Earth

    Oldest feathered dino shows its colors

    Analysis of a fossil suggests plumage first evolved for display, not flight.

  4. Space

    Geophysicists push age of Earth’s magnetic field back 250 million years

    South African rocks suggest that the earliest stages of life on Earth were protected from harmful solar radiation.

  5. Humans

    Water, water everywhere

    Sid Perkins uncovers the amazing amount of “hidden water” in many consumer products.

  6. Earth

    Dinosaurs, in living color

    Researchers find microscopic structures in some fossils that may have held pigments.

  7. Archaeology

    Ancient hominids may have been seafarers

    Researchers have discovered hundreds of African-style stone hand axes on Crete, suggesting that sea-going hominids reached the island hundreds of thousands of years ago en route to Europe.

  8. Earth

    The FY 2011 budget: So much for transparency

    Cabinet officials and other administration leaders met with reporters yesterday to outline the President’s Fiscal Year 2011 federal budget. That spending blueprint includes $147-billion-and-change for research and development programs. But in contrast to past years, details tended to be skimpy today — and any chance for followup or verification of apparent trends has proven more difficult than usual.

  9. Paleontology

    King of the ancient seas

    Paleontologists discover fossilized skeleton of bus-sized marine reptile that had teeth with serrated edges.

  10. Animals

    Oops, missed that fossil iridescence

    Nanostructures on a preserved feather offer the first fossil evidence of bird colors not from pigments, a new study says.

  11. Life

    Briny deep basin may be home to animals thriving without oxygen

    Creatures living deep in the Mediterranean without oxygen would be a remarkable first, biologists say.

  12. Humans

    In teeth, more cracks are better than one

    Cracks in tooth enamel, called tufts, distribute force and shield a tooth from fracture, researchers report.
