Search Results for: Polar Bears

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581 results
  1. Animals

    Study ranks Greenland shark as longest-lived vertebrate

    Radiocarbon in eye lenses suggests mysterious Greenland sharks might live for almost 400 years.

  2. Animals

    Color of light sets dung beetles straight

    Dung beetles may rely on green and ultraviolet colors in the sky to help orient themselves.

  3. Animals

    Eggs and other land foods won’t feed polar bears

    Polar bears will not be able to survive on land by eating birds, eggs and vegetation, a new review concludes.

  4. Animals

    As panda baby grows, mom’s milk changes

    In the first month after a mama panda gives birth, her milk changes in composition, a new study finds.

  5. Animals

    Evidence of ‘yeti’ probably came from a Himalayan black bear

    Last year, a genetic analysis revealed two hairs from an unknown species of bear in Asia. A new study finds that they belong to rare Himalayan black bears.

  6. Animals

    Animal moms sacrifice a lot — sometimes even themselves

    In the animal kingdom, there are bad mothers and good ones — and then there are those that let their kids eat them.

  7. Animals

    Lacking ice, huge walrus herd congregates on Alaska shore

    A large group of walruses has hauled out on the beach near Point Lay, Alaska. The animals have been forced onto shore due to a lack of sea ice in the region.

  8. Genetics

    Finally, some solid science on Bigfoot

    DNA analysis finds no Bigfoot, no yeti, two weird bears and one scientist on a quest for the truth.

  9. Animals

    New water bear species found in Antarctica

    A tiny creature called a tardigrade could shed light on how animals reached the far southern continent.

  10. Climate

    Melting ice forces walrus detour

    Warming temperatures and shrinking summer ice cover have forced the animals to seek solid ground during feeding season.

  11. Genetics

    Genes tell tale of cat domestication

    A peek into cats’ genetic makeup may help reveal how hissing wild felines became purring tabbies.

  12. Tech

    Scientists struggle to find signals in the noise

    Even in a simple system like email, detecting the signal from the noise is not always easy. It can be even more difficult separating a dazzling discovery from dust or whether a breast mass is cancerous or benign.
