Search Results for: GENE THERAPY

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1,069 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    Surplus chromosomes may fuel tumor growth in some cancers

    Extra copies of some genes on excess chromosomes may keep cancer cells growing. Without those extras, cancer cells form fewer tumors in mice.

  2. Genetics

    This gene may help worms live longer, but not healthier

    Antiaging therapies may have trade-offs, research on worms suggests.

  3. Epidemics and their aftermath

    A century’s worth of science has helped us fend off infectious pathogens. But we have a lot to learn from the people who lived and died during epidemics.

  4. Health & Medicine

    A multiple sclerosis drug may speed COVID-19 recovery

    One form of interferon may boost the immune system’s ability to fight the coronavirus early in infections, a small study suggests.

  5. Genetics

    Stanley Qi gives CRISPR a makeover to redefine genetic engineering

    By adapting CRISPR/Cas9, Stanley Qi has given genetic engineers a plethora of new tools.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Mom’s immune system and microbiome may help predict premature birth

    Analyzing patients’ immune systems, microbiomes and more, researchers find signals to pinpoint and halt premature labor.

  7. Health & Medicine

    The ‘last mile’ for COVID-19 vaccines could be the biggest challenge yet

    The need for cold storage and booster shots could create problems for distributing coronavirus vaccines to nearly everyone in the world.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Rogue immune cells can infiltrate old brains

    Killer T cells get into older brains where they may make mischief, a study in mice and postmortem human brain tissue finds.

  9. Health & Medicine

    How one woman became the exception to her family’s Alzheimer’s history

    A single mutation in a woman who evaded Alzheimer’s may point to new ways to treat the disease.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Treating cystic fibrosis patients before birth could safeguard organs

    Starting a cystic fibrosis drug sooner than usual may protect an afflicted child’s lungs, pancreases and reproductive tissue, a study in ferrets hints.

  11. Health & Medicine

    A second HIV patient has gone into remission after a stem cell transplant

    A second person with HIV has gone into remission after receiving blood stem cells from a donor unable to make a protein needed by the virus.

  12. Genetics

    Geneticists push for a 5-year global ban on gene-edited babies

    Prominent scientists are using the word “moratorium” to make it clear that experiments to create babies with altered genes are wrong, for now.
