Search Results for: Dinosaurs

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1,928 results
  1. Paleontology

    Spinosaurus’ dense bones fuel debate over whether some dinosaurs could swim

    New evidence that Spinosaurus and its kin hunted underwater won't be the last word on whether some dinosaurs were swimmers.

  2. Paleontology

    Pterosaurs may have evolved from tiny, fast-running reptiles

    A mysterious little ground-dwelling reptile unearthed in a Scottish sandstone over 100 years ago turns out to be part of a famous flying family.

  3. Paleontology

    Fossils reveal what may be the oldest known case of the dino sniffles

    A respiratory infection that spread to air sacs in the vertebrae of a 150-million-year-old sauropod likely led to now-fossilized bone lesions.

  4. Math

    The metric system is growing. Here’s what you need to know

    Science News spoke with a metrologist about the metric system’s latest update, which will help scientists interpret exceedingly big and small numbers.

  5. Paleontology

    A hole in a Triceratops named Big John probably came from combat

    The nature of the wound and signs of healing suggest that the dinosaur's bony frill was impaled by a Triceratops rival.

  6. Paleontology

    This dinosaur had a weapon shaped like an Aztec war club on its tail

    The flat and spiky tail club of a newly discovered ankylosaur was unique, even for this often weirdly armored group of dinosaurs.

  7. Paleontology

    Some dinosaurs may have lived in herds as early as 193 million years ago

    A fossilized family gathering of long-necked Mussaurus may be the earliest evidence yet of herd behavior in dinosaurs.

  8. Readers discuss ‘ManBearPig’, uncombable hair and more

  9. Earth

    A volcano-induced rainy period made Earth’s climate dinosaur-friendly

    New physical evidence links eruptions 234 million to 232 million years ago to climate changes that let dinosaurs start their climb to dominance.

  10. Planetary Science

    Saturn’s rings and tilt might have come from one missing moon

    The hypothetical moon, dubbed Chrysalis, could have helped tip the planet over before getting shredded to form the rings, researchers suggest.

  11. Predicting the damage caused by extreme storms

    Editor in chief Nancy Shute discusses how scientists are figuring out how to predict the effects of extreme hurricanes.

  12. Readers discuss hot Jupiters, Earth’s inner core oddities and more
