Search Results for: chemistry

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378 results
  1. Chemistry

    Ancient recipes led scientists to a long-lost natural blue

    Led by medieval texts, scientists hunted down a plant and extracted from its tiny fruits a blue watercolor whose origins had long been a mystery.

  2. Chemistry

    Brett McGuire searches space for the chemistry of life

    The complex molecules Brett McGuire has discovered in interstellar space may point to the origins of carbon-based life.

  3. Chemistry

    The development of the lithium-ion battery has won the chemistry Nobel Prize

    Three scientists have won the 2019 Nobel Prize in chemistry for helping create lithium-ion batteries, which power everyday devices from smartphones to electric cars.

  4. Life

    Michelle O’Malley seeks greener chemistry through elusive fungi

    Michelle O’Malley studies anaerobic gut fungi, microbes that could help make chemicals and fuels from sustainable sources.

  5. Health & Medicine

    You can help fight the coronavirus. All you need is a computer

    With Folding@home, people can donate computing time on their home computers to the search for a chemical Achilles’ heel in the coronavirus.

  6. Chemistry

    A fungus makes a chemical that neutralizes the stench of skunk spray

    A compound produced by fungi reacts with skunk spray to form residues that aren’t offensive to the nose and can be more easily washed away.

  7. Science & Society

    This year’s SN 10 enjoy the journey, not just the discovery

    Meet 10 young researchers who combine persistence and passion to make headway on science’s big questions.

  8. Chemistry

    Chemists have created and imaged a new form of carbon

    A new molecule takes its place among buckyballs, carbon nanotubes and other odd forms of carbon.

  9. Chemistry

    Droplets of these simple molecules may have helped kick-start life on Earth

    Simple molecules called alpha hydroxy acids form cell-sized structures in conditions mimicking early Earth chemistry.

  10. Science & Society

    3-D printed ‘ghost guns’ pose new challenges for crime-scene investigators

    Researchers are analyzing the ballistics of 3-D printed guns and the plastic they leave behind to help forensic scientists track these DIY weapons.

  11. Tech

    Tiny magnetic coils could help break down microplastic pollution

    Carbon nanotubes designed to release plastic-eroding chemicals could clear the long-lasting trash from waterways.

  12. Chemistry

    Sweaty, vinegary and sweet odors mingle to make dark chocolate’s smell

    Scientists have worked out the chemistry of dark chocolate’s smell and reconstructed the aroma.
