Search Results for: Fish

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8,095 results
  1. Animals

    Lacking ice, huge walrus herd congregates on Alaska shore

    A large group of walruses has hauled out on the beach near Point Lay, Alaska. The animals have been forced onto shore due to a lack of sea ice in the region.

  2. Chemistry

    Nanoparticles in foods raise safety questions

    As scientists cook up ways to improve palatability and even make foods healthier, some are considering the potential health risks of tiny additives.

  3. Climate

    Melting ice forces walrus detour

    Warming temperatures and shrinking summer ice cover have forced the animals to seek solid ground during feeding season.

  4. Environment

    Five years on, Deepwater Horizon oil spill’s impact lingers

    Five years after the Gulf of Mexico’s largest disaster, researchers are still studying its ecological impact and struggling to learn the fate of most of the spilled oil.

  5. Tech

    Soft robots go swimming

    A new robotic fish can wiggle and writhe like the real thing.

  6. Animals

    Secrets of a sailfish attack

    The large, long-nosed sailfish use their rostrums more like a sword than a spear to attack prey.

  7. Animals

    Anemone eats bird, and other surprising animal meals

    A fuzzy green anemone eating a bird many times its size shows that you can’t take anything for granted when it comes to which animals can eat each other.

  8. Ecosystems

    Deep-sea trawling threatens oceans’ health

    Dragging large nets along the seafloor to catch fish cuts organic matter and biodiversity in half and may threaten all of the world's underwater ecosystems.

  9. Animals

    Lionfish grow wary after culling

    Efforts to control invasive lionfish could make them more difficult to catch.

  10. Ecosystems

    ‘Earth: A New Wild’ puts people in the picture

    PBS nature series ‘Earth: A New Wild’ shows humans living with, and not off, their environments

  11. Physics

    Common motion emerges in swarms of only 10 midges

    A swarm of midges may start to fly as a collective group with as few as 10 individuals, a new study shows.

  12. Animals

    Antarctic midge sports tiniest insect genome

    Antarctic midge‘s genetic minimalism achieved by skipping a lot of repetitive stretches.
