Search Results for: Bears

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6,745 results
  1. Earth

    Possible snake shortage looms

    Declines among species in Europe and Africa raise herpetologists’ worries of widespread population losses.

  2. Health & Medicine

    For most centenarians, longevity is written in the DNA

    A study of people who live past 100 reveals many genetic paths to a long life.

  3. Anthropology

    Contested evidence pushes Ardi out of the woods

    A controversial new investigation suggests that the ancient hominid lived on savannas, not in forests.

  4. Space

    Jupiter takes yet another hit

    For the third time in 16 years, astronomers have documented a collision between Jupiter and a nearby body.

  5. V is for Venus Flytrap: A Plant Alphabet by Eugene Gagliano

    V is for Venus Flytrap: A Plant Alphabet by Eugene Gagliano Young readers can explore the botanical world by browsing a plant type, feature or characteristic for each letter of the alphabet. Sleeping Bear Press, 2009, 40 p., $17.95. V IS FOR VENUS FLYTRAP: A PLANT ALPHABET BY EUGENE GAGLIANO

  6. Liquid Acquisition

    Two new scenarios ramp up debate over how Earth got its water.

  7. Archaeology

    Lucy’s kind used stone tools to butcher animals

    Animal bones found in East Africa show the oldest signs of stone-tool use and meat eating by hominids.

  8. Humans

    Ancient shoe steps out of cave and into limelight

    Excavations in an Armenian cave have uncovered the oldest known leather footwear, a 5,500-year-old shoe.

  9. Quantum Physics

    Higgs and his particle prove elusive

    Peter Higgs and colleagues receive particle theory prize; scientists still hunting the proposed boson

  10. Earth

    Unicorn fly of the Cretaceous

    An ancient fly discovered trapped in amber sports a horn atop its head and topped with three eyes.

  11. Highlights from the meeting of the American Physical Society

    A round-up of Science News' complete coverage of the American Physical Society's April meeting held February 13–16, 2010 in Washington, D.C.

  12. Earth

    Bacteria show new route to making oxygen

    New discovery adds to the few known biological pathways for making and metabolically using the gas.
