
  1. Physics

    Turning up the heat on electrons reveals an elusive physics phenomenon

    Heating a strip of platinum creates a “spin current” in the material’s electrons due to the spin Nernst effect.

  2. Astronomy

    Ultrahigh energy cosmic rays come from outside the Milky Way

    The biggest cosmic ray haul ever points toward other galaxies as the source of the rays, not our own.

  3. Quantum Physics

    A new test of water ripples supports the idea of quantum heat in a vacuum

    Water waves bolster theory that accelerating space travelers really feel the heat.

  4. Materials Science

    Tiny ‘supraballs’ put a new spin on creating long-lasting color

    Nano-sized balls of melanin and silica generate durable colors.

  5. Animals

    Animal goo inspires better glue

    Researchers are turning to nature to create adhesives that work in the wet environment of the human body.

  6. Physics

    How to peel permanent marker off glass

    Water’s surface tension can peel a thin hydrophobic film such as permanent ink off glass surfaces.

  7. Astronomy

    The sun’s strongest flare in 11 years might help explain a solar paradox

    The sun tends to release its biggest flares at the ends of solar cycles — and we might finally be able to test why.

  8. Particle Physics

    Dark matter still remains elusive

    Scientists continue the search for particles that make up the universe’s missing matter.

  9. Particle Physics

    The results from a slew of experiments are in: Dark matter remains elusive

    Scientists continue the search for particles that make up the universe’s missing matter.

  10. Quantum Physics

    Minuscule jitters may hint at quantum collapse mechanism

    Vibrations of a tiny cantilever could help reveal why quantum rules fail on large scales.

  11. Tech

    Tiny quantum storage device fits on a chip

    Photon information processing on nanoscale could enable future communication networks.

  12. Physics

    Molecules face the big chill

    Scientists have cooled molecules below a previously impassable limit.
