Search Results for: Fish

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8,095 results
  1. Animals

    Wealth of cephalopod research lost in a 19th century shipwreck

    Nineteenth-century scientist Jeanne Villepreux-Power sent her research papers and equipment on a ship that sank off the coast of France, submerging years’ worth of observations on cephalopods.

  2. Environment

    Replacement for toxic chemical in plastics, receipts may be just as toxic

    Mounting evidence suggests that BPS, a common chemical in plastics, may cause the same health effects as BPA.

  3. Animals

    Zebra finches go mad with mercury, and other animal updates

    Mercury exposure makes zebra finches bold and hyperactive, and additional research from the 2014 Animal Behavior Society Meeting.

  4. Animals

    Reef fish get riled when intruders glow red

    A male fairy wrasse gets feisty when he can see a rival’s colorful fluorescent patches.

  5. Animals

    Fish lose their fear on a denuded reef

    Juvenile damselfish lose their ability to smell danger when in a degraded habitat.

  6. Paleontology

    Fish gill fossils gnaw at ideas of jaw evolution

  7. Animals

    Apes do the darndest things

    Several chimp behaviors have researchers wondering if apes are a good model for early hominid life.

  8. Environment

    How oil breaks fish hearts

    Hydrocarbons that spill into oceans stifle the beat of tuna cardiac cells.

  9. Ecosystems

    If you really hate a species, try eating it

    Dining on invasive fish such as snakehead and lionfish can reduce their numbers, but we can’t entirely eat our way out this problem.

  10. Life

    Hatcheries’ metal can disrupt steelhead magnetic sense

    Growing up in magnetic fields distorted by pipes and electronics confounds young fish’s inherited map sense.

  11. Paleontology

    Mystery fossils belonged to giant ostrichlike dinosaur

    Two recently found skeletons reveal that Deinocheirus, first discovered 50 years ago, was the largest-known dinosaur of its kind.

  12. Animals

    Lionfish dance can recruit partner for hunting

    Slow but superb predators recruit pals for cooperative hunting, often striking in what looks like well-mannered turn taking.
