Search Results for: Robotics

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1,529 results
  1. Computing

    Calculating Cartoons

    Thanks to sophisticated computer simulations of the laws of physics, spectacular special effects—plus a zoo of strange but real-looking creatures—increasingly enliven movie screens and computer-game consoles.

  2. Planetary Science

    Exploring the Red Planet

    Searching for signs of subsurface water on the Red Planet and analyzing the elemental and mineral composition of surface rock, NASA's Mars Odyssey spacecraft begins its main mapping mission next month and may shed light on several enduring puzzles about the planet.

  3. Humans

    Science Talent Search winners shine bright

    Science Service and Intel announced the winners of the 2001 Science Talent Search.

  4. Astronomy

    A Rocky Bicentennial

    Mounting evidence that many asteroids aren't solid rock but collections of loosely bound fragments could have far-reaching implications for elucidating their internal structure, understanding planet formation, and developing strategies to mitigate the threat of one striking Earth.

  5. Smart Robot Orbs to Aid Space Crews

  6. Science News of the Year 2001

    A review of important scientific achievements reported in Science News during the year 2001.

  7. Tech

    Oceans of Electricity

    The world's first commercial wave-power plant began pumping current into a Scottish island's electric grid last winter, just ahead of a host of competing schemes for converting ocean-wave motion into electricity.

  8. Say Again, Dave?

  9. Mind over Matter

  10. Back Matter

  11. The Buzz: Wings Flip, Air Whirls, Bugs Lift

  12. Flak? Never
